I. Getting Started

In this project, we use flutter 2.5.3. If you have a different version, you should consider installing FVM.


flutter pub get
flutter run

Built with

II. Code generation

1. Model generations with JSON Serialization

We use JSON Serializable [ https://flutter.dev/docs/development/data-and-backend/json#code-generation ] package build tool to generate a model from JSON to the Class object. In case you want to add more fields model or even change the model data type, you need to run the command:

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

2. Assets generations with flutter_gen

We also use flutter_gen which is the Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — to Get rid of all String-based APIs. To Generate new assets, run following commands:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Assets.images.profile.image();

III. State Management

We use GetX for our state management solution with advantages of CLI. (We have not considered to use other solutions from GetX such as routing, snackbar & bottom sheet yet)

1. CLI

We use get_cli to automated our development process.

// To install:
flutter pub global activate get_cli

// To create a page:
// (Pages have controller, view, and binding)
// Note: you can use any name, ex: `get create page:login`
get create page:home

get install camera

// To install a dev package in your project (dependencies_dev):
get install flutter_launcher_icons --dev

// To remove a package from your project:
get remove http

// For more detail
get help

2. VSCode Exstension

We also use GetX Snippets.

IV. API Connection

Even we use getx, we don’t use its GetConnect for communicating with our API.

1. To create an API:

For example, if we are creating a post API with the endpoint: https://example.com/posts.
We have to create a class in lib/services/apis/ folder, eg:

// - extends BaseResourceOwnerApi: if you need token in request header.
// - extends BaseAppApi: if you don't need token in request header.
class PostApi extends BaseResourceOwnerApi<PostModel> {
  Future<dynamic> fetchAllPosts() async {
    var queryParameters = {'included': 'images,author'}
    var result = await super.fetchAll(queryParameters: queryParameters);
    return result;

  // https://example.com/posts 
  // => nameInUrl = posts
  String get nameInUrl => "posts";

  objectTransformer(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return PostModel.fromJson(json);


Check this file for more:


2. Note

  • Extends your class with BaseResourceOwnerApi, if you need token in request header.
  • Extends your class with BaseAppApi, if you don’t need token in request header.

V. Dialogs, Snackbars, BottomSheets

1. Dialog

We use adaptive_dialog to display the dialog. Available dialogs are:



  • Find Snackbars solotion
  • Find BottomSheets solution

Check sign in report

Get info such as Variant, Config, Store, Alias, MD5, SHA1, SHA-256, Valid until with the following command:

cd android
./gradlew signingReport


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details